• Every Cup Helps Drain the Swamp

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Every Cup Helps Drain the Swamp

Every Bag Sold Defeats Media Censorship

Every Coffee Subscription Builds a Campaign War Chest

We'll Give You the Best Coffee in the World


What Do Patriots Say?

You'll Fall In Love With Our Coffee

You'll first buy our coffee because you are a patriot and you want to support an important cause; when you discover your favorite blend or single-origin bean you'll start purchasing by subscription because you can't live without it.

We source the finest, most exotic beans from all over the world and roast them all in the United States under the purest quality standards. In many cases, your coffee is packed while still warm and shipped immediately - you will receive only the freshest coffee from the PRC Coffee Company.

View Our Coffees

"This is better than the coffee I grew up with in Colombia S.A."

Consuelo L. (Texas)

"I wanted to support PRC, but I was astonished how good the coffee is. So far, my favorite is the Wake Up America! blend."

Cathy B. (Kansas)

"This coffee is as good a coffee as you will ever find; I love it! Almost as much as I love America!"

Todd W. (Colorado)

Every cup tastes like freedom

Dean M. (Colorado)

Freedom Never Tasted So Good

This will absolutely be the best coffee you have ever tasted. PRC Coffee Company is committed to using only the highest quality coffee beans we can source - an unbelievably high standard deserving of American Exceptionalism itself...

Gift card

Looking for something for someone special? A gift card to our store is the perfect idea!
